Passionate about inspiring others
After my healing experience (read my blog Releasing Chronic Pain) at the American Holistic Nurses Association 5th Regional Texas Conference, I knew I had to help others learn about The Three Principles.
I immediately signed up for a nurse coaching program. There was no hesitation, no second-guessing, I just “knew” it was what I was supposed to do. I have been teaching and coaching with the Principles of Resilience since April 2016.
It has been a wonderful journey of healing and insight. There is nothing quite like helping people see the Principles of Resilience for themselves. My desire is to help as many people as possible to experience the changes that they want to achieve.
If you are looking to create a better life with less stress and anxiety, the Principles of Resilience will help you. The Principles of Resilience add nothing extra to do, are always accessible, and require no special training to use. You have been using them your whole life.
As your coach, I will hold space for you to explore the Principles in relationship to your lived experience and how the insight into how they work can help you.

What are the Principles of Resilience?
According to Sydney Banks, the man who uncovered these Principles, “There are three principles: Mind, Consciousness, and Thought.” (EGR 53).
These Three Principles are the foundation of mental life. All three Principles, together, create a Paradigm of how mental life is created.
The definition of a paradigm:
“In science and philosophy, a paradigm is a distinct set of concepts or thought patterns, including theories, research methods, postulates, and standards for what constitutes legitimate contributions to a field.” (
It is the insightful understanding of these three principles, of seeing them at work in your life, that has the power to help you heal and live your best life today.
“There are three principles:
Sydney Banks
Mind, Consciousness, and Thought.”